Friday, May 22, 2020

Early Childhood Development Is A Beneficial Tool, It...

Babies are fascinating. According to the Center for Disease Control, 3,932,181 of them were born in the United States in 2013, of which 40.6% were born to unmarried women. It is true that most parents want what is best for their children; however, the methodology and resources for childrearing vary from home to home. Today’s society is built on self-discipline, self-reliance, and skill; therefore, the development of little ones must take center stage. However, this development is unique just as the children and the parents who are responsible for their upbringing are unique. While preschool programs can be a beneficial tool, it should not be mandatory because there is no significant evidence of success for federally funded programs; early childhood development occurs diversley among children; and parents alone are best qualified and responsible to nurture their preschoolers as they see fit. Some believe that the best way to tackle the challenge of a high functioning society is to mandate a well-defined preschool program. In 1965, Head Start became a federally funded organization designed to foster early development for families who could not access it otherwise. (Clemmitt, 2014). These families were classified as low-income and benefitted from additional health services, social and emotional skills development, academic skills, as well as education on parenting. So much emphasis has been placed on the development of preschool-age children that in 2014, Congress notShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Early Childhood Classroom1583 Words   |  7 Pages Technology in an Early Childhood Classroom Marsha Kinsel ENG122: English Composition II Instructor Susan Luck June 1, 2017 Technology in An Early Childhood Classroom Even though some experts feel children’s physical health is at risk once they are introduced to technology, it is a must, that early childhood educators do just that. 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