Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Proposal of Student Jnformation System

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Proposed Research Topic: Shortcoming of IFM Student Management System Meaning of Student information system Student information system is a software application for education establishments to manage student data. Also known as student information management system(SIMS),student record system(SRS), student management system(SMS). Objective of proposal: IFM’s students claim that student management system is very inconvenient to them as the end users of the system during day to day operations.Due to this fact, we will concentrate on enhancing the system functionalities that have proved to have weakness such as to enable the system to calculate GPA at the end of each semester and make the system reliable and available for student to view their results and fee payment. Background: The background of student information system starts from manual management of information like the result to be provided to the notes board where as the area of student to access t he result.This were difficult for the student to access the information due to increase number of student, and the system were moved to computerized that start with SARIS and now SIS but there are a sort of problem. Not only student but also management increased their performance due to shifting from manual operations to computerized operations. Therefore, this project shall be conducted in team work by four members in the IFM (The Institute Of Finance Management)premises which I located at city center opposite to national Museum.The first member is a team leader and he is specialized in projects management, the second member is specialized in research and data analysis, the rest two members are specialized in system development and maintenance process. Shortcoming of Student Management System IFM student management system has proved to have a several problems (shortcoming) regarding to the user who are students. The system seems to be very inconvenient to the users as it is viewed from its different functionalities as demonstrated below: Lack of relevance informationLack of relevance information such as in the module section, because it contains non-relevant subject for example for Bsc. IT module, Audit has been indicated as one of the subject to be selected during second year study where as it not part of subject to be selected or studied by IT student so it lead to confusion and inconvenience during selection of module. It also has poor organization of necessary information, module should be divided based on semester and not year.It should enable user to see the overview/content of each subject for example in case of† IS project† it should shoe the content of this subject so as student should get a picture of what is going to cover regarding to the subject, this will enable student to be aware when selecting an option subject. In case of GPA The system should calculate the students’ GPA at the end of each semester. This shall make student aware of his academic performance so helping him/her to make strategic plan on how to improve his/her performance and enhance seriousness of the student System reliabilityThe system is not reliable because when maintenance or updating information in one of its functionality negatively affect the other functionality for example during uploading of result, student may not even be able to access other functions such as fee payment, home as well as student profile despite the fact that only function that deal with result is maintained. Instead message that says †system is undergoing maintenance† appear and no any function can be accessed. Poor interfaceSystem interface should not require user to scroll down or up so as to access some information instead all information should be arranged in a manner that all features appear to fit to the screen width and height. In results and payment link Information are not integrity, this problem show that the data can be changed at any time when the system used or accessed, for example on result you can look the result on this time are not the same when you will check again it can be good result or bad result but that does not matter, it needed to get expected result.Also in payment link you can check the payment status on this time you are not debt but any time the status will show you are debt. In the student profile link The update of information to the student profile are not reliable, for example the timetable it can be better when a particular student check the timetable in his/her profile to avoid disturbance or any information are needed to be uploaded in student profile to show the accuracy of student to get new or particular information.Also there is problem when you editing information in your profile are not accuracy because you can edit and the system are not respond to make changes or sometime the changes are accepted. In the communication link In case of communication link there is no feedback/notif ication which can make you to know you request are sent or fail. For example you can send the email to the lecture, when you send the email have no notification which show you the email now is sent and there is no feedback from the lecturer to you, from example to tell you your request is on processed wait for a hour or a day.CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review refers to the survey of important articles, books and other sources pertaining to your research topic. This review of the professional literature relevant to your research question will help to contextualize, or frame, your research. It will also give readers the necessary background to understand your research (Joffrey hoffer ). According to Student Management System of IFM we reviewed the whole system, the system tried to accomplish some of the need of the students and management but other task where not ell introduced. The system should be integrate means that the accuracy and consistency of stored data, indicate d by any absence of any alteration in data between two updates of data record (joffrey Hoffer). now the student management system of IFM not integrated due to the reason that the available information are not consistent. User friendly refers as application, equipment, facility, process, or system that is compatible with its intended user’s ability to use it easily and successfully (Balasubramanian,D 2001).According to IFM student management the system failed to maintain user friendly because there is a lot of scrolling in order for the user to see the other information which can reduce user intention. Feedback refers as the process in which the effect or output of an action is ‘returned’ (fed-back) to modify the next action. Feedback is essential to the working and survival of all regulatory mechanisms found living and non-living nature, and in man-made system such as education system (www. businessdictionary. com).In case of IFM student management system, the sy stem does not provide any information when the student provides the communication to the management. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY According to the problem or shortcoming demonstrated above, there are various ways that can be followed to investigate the real solution to the above problems but for this case â€Å"Rapid Application Development† and Conduct a literature review are the best methodologies to be used to accomplish the proposed project due to the following reasons * Methodologies radically decrease design and implementation time. Close collaboration between users, analysts and managers. System Development Methodology is a standard process followed in an organization to conduct all the steps necessary to analyze, design, implement, and maintain information systems. We suggest using Rapid Application Development (RAD) Methodology RAD is a software development methodology, which involves iterative development and the construction of prototypes. It involves extensive user invol vement, prototyping, JAD sessions, integrated CASE tools, and code generators.Joint Application Design (JAD) is structured process involving users, analysts, and managers. Several-day intensive workgroup sessions. It uses customer involvement and group dynamics to accurately depict the user's view of the business need and to jointly develop a solution. REFERENCES * Modern system analysis and design sixth edition by Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich. * www. businessdictionary. com * IFM Student Management System * Computer installation and servicing Balasubramanian,D 2001

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