Thursday, October 17, 2019

United States Military Functions as the Worlds Police Essay

United States Military Functions as the Worlds Police - Essay Example The incidents that are going to be looked at include: attack on Libya in operation ‘Odyssey Dawn’ in the year 2011; Operation New Dawn of Iraq in the years 2010 and 2011; Operation Neptune Spear which sending of two batteries of Patriot missiles and 400 troops Turkey in the year 2012; and Drone strikes launched on al-Shabab militants in Somalia in the year 2012. Looking at the attack of Libya in Operation ‘Odyssey Dawn’ in the year 2011 the most notable thing is that the attack was more political than it was for the sake of international security and stability. The then Libyan leader, Colonel Gadhafi had been a non-cooperator with the western government's something that is believed to have put him in bad records with the government of the USA. In my opinion, the attack was not really necessary. Operation New Dawn of Iraq in the years 2010 and 2011 is one of the involvements of the US military that is believed to have been highly unnecessary. Due to the period of the involvement, a good number of the United States of America citizens believe that this must have cost the country a lot of finances that would have been used in solving the problems that the country was facing internally at that time (Lane, 2004). Internationally, it was sometimes seen as a case of overindulgence of the internal affairs of another country. There are a number of factors of US history since 1865 that has led to the U.S’s rise as a world superpower policeman. These factors include: their economic superiority and stability, which enabled them to spend on improving their military; the US-Spanish eviction from the Cuba war of 1898 which played a pivotal role in the establishment of the United States of America as the highest ranked world power; and the three years long war during which the US defeated the Filipino insurgents that helped them in gaining control over a point of geostrategic and trading significance (Meernik, 2004).

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