Friday, January 17, 2020

How does Shakespeare develop character, plot and theme in Act 3 scene 4 of Macbeth? Essay

In this essay, I will answer the question â€Å"How does Shakespeare develop character, plot and theme in Act 3 scene 4 of ‘Macbeth’?† by divulging into ‘Macbeth’ written by Shakespeare. ‘Macbeth’ is a play with issues such as power, villainy, assassination, deceit and chaos, which are epitomize during Act 3 scene 4 of ‘Macbeth’. This scene is where all the issues group together to form a scene of evilness of human. Macbeth was a knight at the start, became the Thane of Cawdor and assassinated King Duncan to thrust himself to power. Although he regretted for murdering King Duncan since Lady Macbeth encouraged him to murder Duncan. â€Å"He that’s coming must be provided for, and you shall put this night’s great business into my dispatch, which shall to all our nights and days to come give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.† (Lines 64 to 67, Act 1 Scene 6) Lady Macbeth used veiled words because she was afraid that direct language would make Macbeth refuse to act. This is evidence for Macbeth was originally a kind and not ambitious person, however, after Lady Macbeth’s persuasion he decided to kill King Duncan. After Macbeth became King, he send assassin to murder Banquo. During the banquet, he received the news of Banquo’s death but Banquo’s son managed to escape. â€Å"Here had we now our country’s honour roofed, were the graced person of our Banquo present.†(Lines 40-41, Act 3 scene 4) This quote made by Macbeth means if only Banquo were here, all the nobility of Scotland would be under our roof. In addition, it shows he pretended he did not know Banquo had been murdered and to show the Scottish Lords his kindness and respect to Banquo even he is the King now. However, when Banquo’s ghost suddenly appeared in front of him but no one could see Banquo’s ghost. Macbeth was terrified and astonished because he was the only one who knew Banquo is already dead. â€Å"Thou canst not say I did it; never shake the gory locks at me?†(Lines 50-51, Act 3 scene4) First, it is extremely awkward that the King suddenly say something weird that does not relate to the dinner. Additionally, from the Scottish lords’ view, Macbeth seems had done something bad and trying to hide it from them which created a feeling of chaos and unsafe. Furthermore, it is a sign that Macbeth is not suitable to be a King. â€Å"Ay, and a bold one, that dare look on that which might appal the devil† (Lines 58-59, Act 4 scene4) â€Å"Avaunt and quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee! Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold; Thou hast no speculation in those eyes† (Lines 93-95, Act 3 scene4) I personally would believe Macbeth was mad even though his wife was trying to persuade people this is normal and all the things he said are like hints that he had murdered someone who we do not know and he is back. In my opinion, no guests would expect this from Macbeth because he had never behaved in this weird way and he is very brave man since he had killed many people in battles. Lady Macbeth was a dominant character. She was portrayed as ambitious, greedy to power by Shakespeare. When Lady Macbeth was first introduced in the play, she was reading a letter from Macbeth, which was describing the three weird sisters’ prophecy. â€Å"He brings great news† (Lines 36, Act1 scene5) At this point, her only concern was whether Macbeth is capable of fulfilling the prophecy and certainly, she would grab hold of this chance to persuade Macbeth to do it in order to satisfy her hunger to power. The following quotes made by Lady Macbeth states how she criticizes Macbeth. â€Å"If we should fail?†(Macbeth, Lines 58, Act 1 scene7) â€Å"We fail?†(Lady Macbeth, Lines 59, Act 1 scene 7) The quote made by Lady Macbeth shows she believes her husband should become ambitious and be confidence. In addition, Lady Macbeth did not insult Macbeth because this would only make Macbeth feel even worst of him. At this point, she was disappointed by Macbeth since she could not believe her husband did not show any determination to make use of this excellent chance to kill King Duncan and fulfill the prophecy and to satisfy her hungriness to power. â€Å"And live a coward in thine own esteem, letting ‘I dare not’ wait upon I would† (Lady Macbeth, line 43, Act 1 scene 7) â€Å"I have given suck and know how tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this.† (Lady Macbeth, Line 54-59, Act 1 scene 7) Furthermore, due to emotions Macbeth is feeling at this point, he tells his wife the couple will â€Å"will proceed no further in this business†, which explains the assassination would not happen due to the respect King Duncan had recently showed him, he was not willing to carry out the plan. This frustrates Lady Macbeth and leads her using another tactic to persuade Macbeth to stand on her side. Example of another tactic is calling Macbeth as a coward, and informs him she would rather kill a newborn baby rather than break a promise like the one Macbeth has to her. On the other hand, she had tried to cover up for Macbeth even though she did not know what exactly was happening to Macbeth. The following quote made by Lady Macbeth shows her solicitude to Macbeth even Macbeth did not tell her Banquo’s death which states he did not trust her wife. â€Å"Sit, worthy friends. My lord is of often thus, and hath been from his youth. Pray you keep seat.†(Lines 53-54, Act 3 scene4) â€Å"I pray you speak not; he grows worse and worse. Question enrages him. At once, good night. Stand not upon the order of your going, but go at once.†(Lines 118-121, Act 3 scene 4) These two quotes are major piece of evidence, which suggest Lady Macbeth was putting huge amount of effort to cover for Macbeth and this shows she really loved him and she knew there is something that Macbeth had done but has not informed her yet which is a hint for Macbeth no longer trusted Lady Macbeth. The Scottish lords were playing a less important role in the play compared to Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. However, they were still important since they represent the Scottish government. Macduff and Ross were the two key lords in the play since they were suspicious about Macbeth (apart from Banquo). â€Å"Is’t known who did this more than bloody deed?†(Ross, line20, Act 2 Scene4) â€Å"Those that Macbeth hath slain.† (Macduff, Line 21, Act2 scene4) A supportive quote made by Macduff, which supports that Macbeth is suspicious because Macduff did not assume any other people killed King Duncan but only assumed Macbeth murdered King Duncan. Moreover, the following quote shows he dislike Macbeth. â€Å"Will you to Scone?†(Ross, Line 35, Act2 Scene4) â€Å"No, cousin, I’ll to Fife.†(Macduff, Line36, Act 2 Scene4) An extremely supportive evidence from Macduff to support argue that Macbeth was the murderer because Macduff did not want to go to the Scone and instead he would like to go to Fife. Under normal circumstances, all the lords would attend to this kind of important ceremony but Macduff had chosen to ignore it which is out of order. In my opinion, at this point of the play Macduff seems to be suspicious about Macbeth. This is mainly due to the worsen friendship between Macbeth and Macduff since Macbeth killed the guards who look related to Duncan’s death without allowing anyone to ask them a question and the guards were the only clue for King Duncan’s death. This leads other people to think why Macbeth just killed the guards who were drunk and had bloody daggers in their hand. As a result, Macbeth became suspicious to Duncan’s death. From a third person’s view, Macbeth seems to be trying to cover the truth. In addition, during the Banquet Macbeth suddenly saw a ghost of a bloody man and he was terrified about this which is unusual because he used to be a general therefore he would not be afraid of dead people. This made Macbeth became even more suspicious because after he became King, disorders and chaos has been consecutively occurring. Additionally, the lords would wonder the relationship between Macbeth and a ghost of bloody man because they would worry if Macbeth were the suitable one for this position. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth was complex and hard to analysis because it has been changing throughout the play. At the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth was introduced as a kind and loving wife, who underneath was a scheming and deceitful person. She received a letter from Macbeth about the weird sisters’ prophecy. â€Å"It is too full o’th’milk of Human Kindness to catch the nearest way.†(Line 15, Act 1 scene 5) Lady Macbeth would like to take the fastest route to royalty by murdering King Duncan, however she knew Macbeth is not ready for this since recent respect from King Duncan makes Macbeth loyal to King Duncan. Additionally, they are friends and Duncan is a good King therefore there was no reason to kill him. â€Å"Wouldst thou have that which thou esteem’s the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem.†(Line 41-43, Act1 Scene7) She called Macbeth a coward that live in thine own esteem because she is deeply desire to gain more power and the only way is to be queen but this needs Macbeth to cooperate with her, however, Macbeth was not ready to murder King Duncan. Therefore, she insulted her husband to intimidate her husband to satisfy her own need. At this point, their relationship is poor because Lady Macbeth was forcing her own husband to do something he was really willing to do. Immediately after the murder of King Duncan, Macbeth was remorseful and frightened. When she heard Macbeth was talking about his bloody hands, she says: â€Å"My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white.†(Lines 68, act 2 scene 2) This is evidence that Lady Macbeth was on the same side as Macbeth as she meant her hands are red too, but she was not regretful as she said she would be ashamed to have a heart so white. In act 3 scene 2, we know that Macbeth have not been communicating as well as before Duncan’s death, because Lady Macbeth had to ask the servant to call for Macbeth therefore she could talk to him. When Lady Macbeth asks, â€Å"what’s to be done†, Macbeth did not want to tell her and since he did not want his wife to get further involvement in this mess. Therefore, he replied: â€Å"Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest Chuck.†(Lines 45, Act 3 Scene2) This quote can be evidence for both side arguments. The first side is Macbeth did not trust his wife anymore therefore he refused to let her know anything. On the other hand, Macbeth really loved his wife and he attempts to protect her from this mess. In my own view, he did not trust Lady Macbeth because it was she who encouraged him to get rid of King Duncan and disorders and chaos had been brought in. After Lady Macbeth had asked all the guests to get out in the last part of Act 3 scene 4, I believe Lady Macbeth was in charge because she asked Macbeth all the questions and Macbeth answered all of them. At last, he listened to his wife to go to sleep. â€Å"You lack the season of all natures, sleep† (line 141, Act 3 Scene 4) â€Å"Come, we’ll to sleep.† (Line 142, Act 3 Scene4) They started to cooperate again, which is a signal that their relationship is developing because they both helped each other out in the banquet. If Lady Macbeth did not love Macbeth so much she would not in an attempt to restore order and made him act normal again. Nevertheless, she could do that for other reasons. Such as she might be more worried about Macbeth leaked out the secret about Duncan’s death than Macbeth mental health state. In Act 5 Scene 1, Lady Macbeth said she could see Duncan’s blood on her hands and tries to wash it off, but nothing could was it away. â€Å"Here’s the smell of the blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia would not sweeten this little hand.†(Line 43, Act 5 Scene 1) This could made by Lady Macbeth is a strong evidence to show her she is mad because no one could see the blood and only she could. Additionally, she had been suffering from this for a period. Afterward, she committed suicide because she could not cope with the guilt of murdering King Duncan. There are many different themes. The most famous one is order/chaos and followed by the difference between the false and the real. In Act 3 Scene 4, as the banquet begin the lords were told to sit down in order because it is a formal dinner. However, during the process, Macbeth went crazy because he said he saw a ghost of a bloody man, which is odd. At the end, all of the guests were told to get out as soon as possible but all in once. The banquet had started in order, finished in chaos. This is a demonstration of the Kingdom because when King Duncan was ruling everything was normal, no chaos but when Macbeth ruled the country chaos and disorders were brought in since he had to hide the truth but he was becoming more suspicious and therefore he killed all the people who he believes is trying to get rid of him. At last, blood will only bring in more blood. An example for difference between false and the real is whether Banquo’s ghost is ‘real’. This depends on the director to decide to bring on a Ghost or not. Of all the characters on stage, only Macbeth could see the Ghost. The advantage of an invisible Ghost is the audience will know what is actually happening instead of guessing what Macbeth is doing on the stage. However, the downside is as the ghost supposed to be invisible, so no one should able to see and this includes the audience. Another tricky question of putting on a visible ghost is what does he wear and how does he move?

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