Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Effects Of Divorce On Children s Life - 907 Words

When parent choose divorce as a solution, their children become exposed to countless stressors. These children know for a fact things are about to change, but they are unsure how which can be quite a frightful experience. These kids have to learn to cope with the whole situation with no anticipation since divorce tends to be a sudden decision rather than a planned, pre-meditated option. On the other hand, some couples choose to stay together since they do not want their children to face the amount of stress brought by divorce. Children may need to change schools or move to another house, which can be very taxing on them. The stress can be increased when their quality of life decreases after moving to a different home. This can also affect the parent who becomes overwhelmed since he or she cannot provide as much as the parent with the better quality of life. Although the changes in the child’s life may vary depending on the sex of the parent they stay with and the sex of the ch ildren. Divorce has a very taxing effect on children, and presents stressful challenges to their lives. The divorce itself does not affect children in a negative way. The effects result more often from the feeling of uncertainty of what is going to happen after the divorce, from the level of conflict between the parents and from how the parenting after the divorce is done. Boys and girls tend to react differently to their parents divorce. In most cases, girls tend to become anxious and withdrawn,Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Divorce On Children s Life997 Words   |  4 PagesMany times when people get a divorce they tend to not take into consideration about their kids, whether they are five, ten, or seventeen. They go along with the divorce not realizing that this poor child s life is about to be turned upside down. Divorcing someone, while children are involved affects the way children develop to become adults. 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